Harry Mann
Hey gang, it’s Harry Man on Bigfoot Country. After I’m done hanging out with you from 10 am-3 pm and playing great Country music, I very well could be out playing a variety of great music in the band Top Shelf at clubs and carnivals around the Keystone State! ( For booking info…oh…never mind)
In my downtime, you can find me on the golf course (if you look in the woods…), sometimes at Selinsgrove Speedway (better in the dirt!), or taking care of the “honey do” list at home (BTW, have you ever noticed that list never gets shorter?).
At home, I’m a big movie buff. My wife and I will sit and watch pretty much anything, except a horror film – I’m a wimp that way. We’ll text each other…from 3 feet away! Could be time to put the cell phone down, I guess!